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A New Year, A New Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution: THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS.


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process.

You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on Friday, January 5th and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

WHEN: Friday, January 5th, 12:00-3:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932 | (973) 301-8233
COST: $197.00 p/person; Includes Holiday Luncheon

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

June Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution:


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process. You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on June 21st and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Wednesday, June 21st, 8:30-11:30 a.m.

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be


Networking Follow-Up Etiquette

It’s not enough to make connections at networking events – you need to be able to pursue the relationship afterwards to cement the relationship and build the connection to a level where both of you can benefit.

However, not everyone knows how to follow up on their meetings. For some it can seem awkward. Others don’t want to come across as pushy or inauthentic. We’ve compiled the best Do’s and Don’ts of following up so you can make the most effective choices.

Follow Up Do’s

DO: Connect with them on LinkedIn in a timely manner. Send a little note explaining where you met the other person and the topics you discussed. For example: “It was very nice to meet you at the event last week. I’d love to continue our conversation about a possible partnership.” This can help you build the relationship while the conversation is fresh in their mind.

DO: Ask for permission before sending an email. When you speak with someone during an event, tell them you’d like to contact them via email. If you don’t reach out first you can seem pushy.

DO: Make sure you explain how your proposition can benefit both businesses. Remember that networking is about building connections and partnerships where both of you can further yourselves. Don’t be afraid to do some research about the other person’s company so you can provide a truthful proposition and list real ways you can help each other.

DO: Gauge their interest before continuing communication. If they’re not interested, that’s fine, but you need to know where to draw the line. Consider how quickly and eagerly they reply to your emails or messages.

Follow Up Don’ts

DON’T: Connect with every person you spoke with. Save the LinkedIn requests for those you engaged in meaningful conversations with or you’ll seem less authentic.

DON’T: Email every attendee. One reason, this is a violation of the CAN-SPAM act. For another, it looks very unprofessional and will likely only push others away.

DON’T: Talk only about your company, or discuss things without understanding their company. You don’t want to come across as pushy or self-absorbed, but it’s easy to do so with the wrong attitude.

DON’T: Continue emailing if you get no response. Harassing the other party is no way to build a connection, and if they’re not answering, they’re probably just not interested. Let the relationship go and move on to more promising leads.

Additional Resources:


3 Ways You Can Love Networking

Some people just don’t like networking. Whether they’re executives, professionals, or simply students, not everyone is comfortable with the process. Many of these people – even the ones with a natural affinity for it, like extroverts – claim that it makes them feel inauthentic and dirty. They see it as brown-nosing, exploitative, and generally unpleasant.

In today’s world, however, networking is nothing less than a necessity. Countless studies have shown how professional networks increase opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. Networks fuel more expansive knowledge, faster advancement, greater authority, and a better capacity for innovation.

Networking can also be more satisfying on a personal level. Individuals are able to build and nurture their relationships more easily. This, in turn, increases satisfaction in the workplace and can result in better productivity and higher quality output.

Overcoming the Aversion

With all these great benefits it’s only natural to want to explore the possibilities of networking. Even if you can’t stand the idea, there are some strategies that can help you overcome those feelings and branch out further than before. Take these steps into consideration and you can learn to love networking.

1. Change Your Mindset

There are two mindsets associated with networking. “Promotional” mindsets center around the growth, accomplishments, and advancement which comes along with networking. “Preventional” mindsets, on the other hand, see it as a necessary evil and only do it because they feel obligated.

Experiments have shown that prevention-focused people network less often and felt inauthentic during the process. As a result, many of them underperformed in crucial aspects of their job. Meanwhile, promotional mindsets lead to greater fulfillment and curiosity as well as an open mind.

You can’t simply force yourself to become extroverted if you’re introverted, but you can change what you focus on. Shifting your mindset to the potential positive outcomes can inspire you to look at it a different way.

2. Find Common Interests

Remember that everyone you’re networking with likely has very similar goals. Instead of feeling like you’re being dishonest or inauthentic think about the common ground you have.

Networking can help both of you advance your careers.

3. Consider What You Can Give

The main reason people feel disgusted when networking is because they feel like they’re taking advantage of the other person. Consider instead what you have to offer that can help them. Whether it’s tangible support like social connections and technical assistance or personal things like recognition and encouragement, everyone has something to give.

Additional resources:


Do You Look Like A Successful Entrepreneur?

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Entrepreneurs cover the entire business spectrum from Silicon Valley tech geniuses to that small mom and pop flower shop on Main Street. There are no hard and fast rules on who will or will not be successful as an entrepreneur.  The risk of failure is always present when you go out on your own and leave the safety of a typical full-time corporate position.

If you decide entrepreneurship is right for you, you’re not alone.  The 2015-2016 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Report, a joint venture of Babson College and the London Business School, reported there were 27 million working-age Americans  who are starting or operating a new business.

Anatomy of a Successful Entrepreneur

So if you’re wondering what a successful entrepreneur might look like, we have the perfect info graphic for you thanks to See how you match up!


Additional Resources:




A Festive Night with Culinary Connections


A Great Way to Usher in the Holidays!!

First let me thank our Culinary Connections sponsors – Christal McElroy, EisnerAmper; Karolina Dehnhard, Budd Larner; and Vince Egan, Benjamin Edwards. Our sponsors understand the power of making the right connections over great food, wine and conversation!

And many thanks to our wonderful team at The Highlawn Pavilion – Chef Pascal, Kurt Knowles and Christopher Gellings. I hope you all had a chance to meet Chef….he is very entertaining and a true gourmet! Think of having your next meeting in The Wine Cellar, or better yet, taking your sweetheart to lunch or dinner over the holidaze!

A special thanks goes to our photographer, Mahvash Saba of Mahvash is a Kodak International Award winner and does all of our events and headshots. She can do yours too! Her clients include organizations such as Leading Women Entrepreneurs and B.I.G, and her ability to capture the essence of a person or an event is remarkable. Hope you will have her photograph your next headshot, family portrait or event!

An Impressive Group of Connectors!

My heartfelt thanks to all of YOU for joining last Thursday’s Holiday Kick-off Culinary Connections! I am always so impressed by the diversity and high quality of the connectors that join us for Culinary Connections. I have heard from many of you that a lot of great connections were made! Please let me know of any great connection (business or personal) that you made and I will share!

View Our Gallery of Connectors at December’s Culinary Connections at The Highlawn Pavilion

Save the Date

Our next Culinary Connections event will be held at the very elegant Grand Café in Morristown, date TBA shortly.  Desmond Lloyd and I go way back, and I am excited that he will be sharing his beautiful setting and fabulous food with us. Please have a look at the website here:

We are always looking for sponsors for upcoming events. Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring one of our upcoming Culinary Connections events! A great way to get your name out there. Please email or call me for more info!

Thank You!

Thank you again everyone. You are an awesome group and I am thrilled that you came. And please don’t forget to send me details on any great connections you have made!

Susan Ascher





“Thanks for another great evening. I have been to all five of your Culinary Connections and what I love is how each one has its own personality based upon the venue and the folks who attend. At each event, I have made new connections that I know will be lasting ones; yet, at the same time, I reconnect with people that I am so grateful to see again. Last night’s intimate setting allowed me to connect with most of the room and still have meaningful conversations with those that I was looking forward to seeing again.”





Critical Mistakes When Building Your Online Presence

internet concept - with social media icons

An Online Presence Used to be Optional, But Not Anymore.

If you want your company to be a success, you have to pay special attention to how potential customers or clients will view your business online. Unfortunately, simple mistakes often get in between a business and prosperity. Don’t miss your chance at greatness by making one of these common errors:

Not Having a Vision

You can’t just slap together some ideas and hope they’ll take off. You have to look far into the future and think about what your company wants to accomplish. Don’t just think about the monetary gains, either – think about the problem your products or services can solve. Thinking long-term will provide a much more stable foundation for success.

Not Finding a Unique Name

With so many companies out there, you have to be able to stand out amongst the competition. Choosing the right name is one of the most important parts of crafting that image. Find something unique and exciting and then make sure no one else has it. You want your website’s domain name to match, too, so keep doing research until you have something 100 percent available.

Trying to Build Your Site on Your Own

Even if you’re pretty good with a computer, it’s usually not enough. Sure, you can figure out the basics with a premade website template and some copy and pasting, but that’s not how you find success. Enlisting professional help means you’ll have a truly unique website that’s ready for search engine optimization (SEO).

computer backupNot Having a Backup Plan

Data loss can cripple a company, especially when its presence is mainly online. Don’t settle into complacency, thinking it won’t happen to you, because it can. Fires, floods, even viruses can destroy valuable information. Be prepared with backup solutions at all times.

Not Being Consistent

One of the worst things you can do for your company is to present a jumbled image. You need to provide relevant information and support every time. For example, liking a bunch of Facebook pages in hopes of getting more exposure could send contradictory messages to your clients.

If you want the best chance of being successful in your business, remember to use your common sense, plan ahead, and always do what you can to stand out.

Additional Resources:



Are You Ready for The Mastermind for Masterminds?


Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?

Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution – THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS – a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Monday, December 12, 2016, 8:30-11:30 am

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $97.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • success-concept_gys2awwuSales Consultants
  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • New connections with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • Relationships with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • New ideas for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be
  • Elevating your passion for life and work to overcome the fears that are holding you back

The Mastermind for Masterminds isn’t creating just another business network, we’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success.

Join Us Today!

Business-Building Tips for First-Timers

small business owner

Starting a Business is Very Exciting!

It has the potential to be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do and could dramatically change the course of your future. Of course, beginning a company comes with countless questions and decisions. While many of them will be specific to your niche, there are certain tips that support the core of every new company.

If You’re Beginning the Life of a Business Owner, Heed the Following Advice:

1. Choose a business about which you are knowledgeable and passionate.

It’s difficult to build a company from scratch, and nothing gives you a better chance to finish it than personal enthusiasm and desire. Always start with something you enjoy.

2. Make sure your business has opportunity.

Some companies simply can’t survive in today’s entrepreneurial ecosystem – no matter how much you love them (VHS rentals, for example). Start with something that has the opportunity to grow.

3. Dive in with full pockets.

Starting a business is costly, so you should be prepared. Gathering startup financing can be arduous; you should be ready to supplement with as much of your own money as possible. Lots of development, production, and marketing costs can plague new unprepared companies.

4. Do your homework.

Know who your closest competition is and why people love them. If you can find a weak spot in their plans or take your services beyond what they do, you’ll be in a better place to rake in the customers.

business research5. Create a solid pitch.

Before you start sending your advertisements into the world, you need to have a clear mission statement. Take time to think about what problems your services or products eliminate and then think about whom such issues affect. Build goals and compelling descriptions (especially before you search for investors).

6. Find worthy employees.

Many companies will fill positions with the cheapest possible workers. Instead, make sure your new employees are a match for your products and all of your goals. The more passionate they are about the business the better they’ll perform.

If you’re starting a business of your own, take these tips to heart. With a bit of extra preparation and common sense you’ll be well on your way to a successful company in no time.

Additional Resources:



Next Installment of The Mastermind for Masterminds



Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?

Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution – THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS – a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Monday, November 14, 2016, 8:30-11:30 am

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: ** Introductory Price ** $59.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Tickets

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • success-concept_gys2awwuSales Consultants
  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • New connections with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • Relationships with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • New ideas for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be
  • Elevating your passion for life and work to overcome the fears that are holding you back

The Mastermind for Masterminds isn’t creating just another business network, we’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success.

Join Us Today!