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5 Essential Tips to Advance Your Career

nj career coach

In years past, an employee could start off on the bottom rung of a company, and through hard work and persistence, move up the ladder and eventually retire with a pension and a gold watch. Those sorts of jobs are now few and far between.

Companies employ head hunters to find great employees outside the company, and promotions are rarely based solely on seniority. To advance your career, you’re going to need to do more than just hang around with one company. Use these five tips to start taking action now to advance your career.

Set Career Goals

Deciding you want to advance your career is a start, but unless you move beyond vague ideas, it’s unlikely you will make much progress. Start off by setting concrete goals for what you want to accomplish in your career. Lay out a timeline that details not only the responsibilities you hope to take on, but also your salary expectations at that level. Be as specific as possible, but keep in mind the pace of change in today’s office. Try to spot where the best opportunities will be in the future.

Assess Strengths and Weaknesses

Once you know the path you need to take to advance your career, you need to take an objective look at what it will take to get you there. Friends can be a great source of encouragement, but you will need people who can give you unbiased feedback. Managers and supervisors can often help you assess your strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide valuable information on what it takes to move to the next level.

Don’t Neglect Soft Skills

career coaching in new jerseyObviously to advance your career, you will need the technical expertise to perform in the position. However, it pays to focus just as much on developing the soft skills needed in the profession. Soft skills include things like leadership skills, training in effective communication, time management skills, and team-working. Often it is not the most technically skilled that advances in a career, but the one who is best able to work with the team around them. Soft skills give you that advantage and will prove invaluable as you move to greater positions of responsibility.

Major in Networking

You’ve heard the cliché that it’s not what you know but who you know. As with most clichés, this is built on some truth. For most people, advancement will require moving from one company to another over time. The key to finding those opportunities is to have a solid network of people you stay in touch with regularly. Many people make the mistake of only developing their networks when they’re looking for new employment. Make networking a priority at all times so when it comes time to find new employment, you’ll already know where to look.

Find the Right Balance

Obsessively focusing on your career leads to tunnel vision and missed opportunities. Many of the most successful people are in very different positions today from their first, second, or even third career. Balancing work and life keeps you open to possibilities you might otherwise miss. Don’t be afraid to take a calculated risk to move in a different direction than what you envisioned when you created your goals.

Always remember that advancing in your career is not a matter of slavishly devoting yourself to a course set in stone, but a constant re-evaluation of where you are and where you want to be.

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6 Traits You Need to Be a Great Leader

leadership coach

Strong leadership can make or break your team or organization. Great leaders model the characteristics necessary for success. They motivate others to reach their highest potential and help individuals become part of a team. Many leaders are adequate, but the ones who are truly great share some of the same characteristics.


Leaders can’t expect their team to show inner drive and motivation if they don’t possess it themselves. They continually push themselves to go beyond expectations, not because they must, but because they are passionate about what they do. They seem to have an extra dose of energy that gets them out of bed every morning and helps them embrace each new challenge with enthusiasm. They don’t see problems as someone else’s job to solve, but as their chance to make a difference.

Contagious Optimism

Effective leaders expect a positive outcome, and their optimism spreads. When budgets are reduced, the flu drastically reduces available personnel, and deadlines keep changing, they don’t panic. They remain sure that with a consistent effort they will reach their goal, and their emotional stability helps those around them feel less stress and frustration. They always have a solution or something inspiring to say. They motivate by encouragement, not criticism.


Leaders who are truly great get to know the people who work alongside and under them. They know what’s going on in their lives and care about their concerns, even when they aren’t related to work. They show a high level of emotional intelligence, recognizing both how their emotions impact staff and how to manage the feelings of others.

When there’s conflict, leaders have insight into the factors that motivate it and connect with those involved to help them find solutions. They demonstrate loyalty, showing constant support to the people who work with them.


Great leaders take responsibility when tasks need to be accomplished and share credit where it is due. They keep track of timelines, checking on employees to make sure everyone completes their part of the job. They remind staff of company policies and re-train on procedures as necessary. Instead of blaming others when things go wrong, they find the reason for the problem and work with their team to solve it.

Innovative Thinking

what makes a great leaderThe best leaders are extremely organized, but their thinking is flexible. They know the rules, regulations, and potential resources, and they are always working scenarios in their heads. They work a possible solution until they understand it from every angle, then they can clearly communicate it to their team.

Because they see the bigger picture, they can outline the end goal and the strategies that will help reach it. When problems arise, their flexible thinking allows them to quickly adjust and come up with an alternative course.


Strong leaders can act decisively because of their self-confidence. While they are generally well-liked and respected by those around them, they don’t need the approval of others. They are continually learning, so their knowledge base gets ever wider. Their confidence allows them to make unpopular decisions, ask difficult questions, and try solutions where others might balk.

Leaders infect others with their passion, enthusiasm, and positivity. They implement processes and build relationships that help everyone who knows them meet personal and professional goals.

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4 Steps to Becoming a Better Salesperson

sales coaching

The old sales strategies no longer work. Individuals react negatively to high-pressure tactics and throw direct mail in the trash. They are so inundated with ads they almost don’t see them. Sales has always been a challenging profession, and it’s even more so today. Here are some tips for starting conversations, building relationships, and becoming more efficient at what you do.

1. Ask Questions

One thing that hasn’t changed is people’s desire to talk about themselves. Successful salespeople are naturally curious. They genuinely want to discover what matters to their clients. Instead of launching into a list of all the benefits and features of what you’re selling, first find out more about their interests, problems, and concerns. Later you will be more able to match them with the product that meets their needs.

2. Show Courtesy

Clients turn from a potential one-time sale to repeat customers when you treat them with respect. In sales, there is often intense pressure to close the deal, but if you see clients as a number, they will feel it.

Realize each person is an intelligent human. They aren’t likely to fall for your one-time offer if it isn’t really a good deal. They see through sales techniques because they’ve been exposed to them so many times before. Instead, learn their names and use them during the conversation. Ask them if you can share what matters to you and give them worthwhile information in exchange for their time.

3. Offer Value

sales coachWhen you hear someone could sell sawdust to a lumber mill, it means they are a good salesperson, but it’s almost an insult. It seems like trickery to sell someone things they don’t need. Effectiveness doesn’t necessarily rely on smooth talking or tricks.

If you sell ice, don’t go where the Eskimos are, take it to the beach. Identify where to locate customers who will find your product enjoyable or beneficial and offer it to them. Show how your item provides benefits that will make life easier, better, or more profitable. Don’t try to hide potential product shortcomings or claim your product will do something it won’t.

4. Have Patience

While technology has transformed the sales landscape, some parts of the sales process will always remain integral. To be effective, you’ll need to locate those in need of your products or services, find a way to establish contact, and determine how best to interact with them.

How your company continues from there varies and will require frequent adjustment between customers. Before you begin, make sure you understand the process and the reasoning behind each step. Learn how to spot your ideal customer, so you’re investing your time effectively.

If clients don’t immediately respond, don’t apply pressure or walk away in frustration. Find out why they seem apathetic and seek to better understand their current interests. It may take more time to gain their trust before they are willing to listen to you about how your offering solves their problems.

When your clients feel that you’re genuinely trying to help, they’ll respond to your concern. Build relationships daily, and you’ll create a base of contacts that lead to improved results.

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Handling Your Midlife Career Change

career coaching

It’s common for mid-life professionals to crave a change. Maybe you feel you’ve been stuck in a rut for the past few years or maybe your company does not have any more room for advancement. No matter your reasoning, a mid-life career change is a cause for introspection and careful consideration. Here’s how to approach the decision:

What Do You Want to Do Next?

When making a career change, there are a few different paths you can take:

  • A new job in the same field. If your beef is with your job and not the industry, consider sidestepping into a new career. A new set of coworkers or a new boss may be all you need for job satisfaction.
  • A new career in a different field. If there are certain skill sets that transfer fields, you might want to consider a different industry. This might be the right choice if your industry is becoming obsolete or you simply want a new twist on your old job.
  • A one-eighty. Sometimes, you feel like you need a complete change. Many mid-career professionals want to reinvent their work life completely. This is difficult but achievable.

Get Advice from a Career Coach

midlife career changeIf you’re not sure where to begin, consider asking for advice. A career coach can provide valuable introspection and help you make proper decisions regarding your career change. Remember, change is always scary, even when it’s a welcome change. When undergoing a career transition, a career coach can help you maintain a positive mindset, rather than dwelling on the potential downsides of the change.

By keeping the focus on the positives that lie ahead, you can make a smoother transition to your new career. Career coaching can help you maintain your focus while guiding you through the important decisions that lie ahead.

Consider Taking It Up A Notch

If you’re feeling stagnant in your current position, perhaps it’s time for a leadership role. Leadership coaching can help you develop your natural leader’s talent and groom you for a new role in management or even entrepreneurship. With the right help, any career change is possible. A leadership role can prove valuable to mid-level professionals who want to remain in their company or industry but feel they’ve become stuck on the corporate ladder.

Making a successful career transition requires preparation, introspection, and the right attitude. By applying these tips, you can make a smooth transition into a rewarding new career.

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A New Year, A New Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution: THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS.


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process.

You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on Friday, January 5th and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

WHEN: Friday, January 5th, 12:00-3:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932 | (973) 301-8233
COST: $197.00 p/person; Includes Holiday Luncheon

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

2 Simple Ways to Be a More Effective Solopreneur

coaching for solopreneurs

Starting a new business can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. If you’ve made the decision to begin your next life chapter solo, you might have more questions than answers. Being a solopreneur can be a rewarding career, but it’s not without its challenges. Apply these tips to become the most savvy, effective solo business owner possible.

Set Clear Expectations from the Beginning

When you land your first project or client, it can be tempting to say yes without asking many questions about the scope of the work. This could prove to be a costly mistake. Here’s an example: say you’re a web developer and a client asks you to put together a more responsive landing page. After completing the project, the client sends it back, saying it needs more revisions. After a revision, you send it back and the client still requests fine tuning. Here, you have two unattractive options:

  • do more work than you signed up for, or;
  • say no and run the risk of never getting any work from this client again.

Unclear expectations can wreak havoc on entrepreneurs, especially since soloprenuers have less time and fewer resources than other companies. Rather than finding yourself in a situation that’s “no one’s fault and everyone’s fault,” set clear boundaries and stick to them when necessary. When approaching a new job, ask a new client: “What are your expectations and desired outcomes for this project?” This will make it much easier for you to deliver.

Hire A Solopreneur Coach

why solopreneurs need a coachBeing a solopreneur is uncharted territory. A coach can help you achieve your goals in a measured, achievable, and consistent way. Solopreneur coaching:

  • Teaches you about current marketing trends. Being a solopreneur means you’ll have to be the whole package: a marketing guru, a sales lead, an analyst. A solopreneur coach will teach you tactics about marketing your clients and reaching your target demographic.
  • Helps you identify your assets and liabilities. Each business owner has their strengths and weak spots. A solopreneur coach will help you maximize your strengths while filling knowledge gaps and addressing potential weaknesses in your business plan.
  • Helps you manage your time effectively. There are so many hours in the day, and applying effective strategies can help you make the most of them.

Being a solopreneur is rewarding, yet hard work. With the right approach, you can become an effective business owner and retain your customers for years to come. Follow these tips to make the most of your new enterprise.

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Why Sales Coaching Will Make You a Better Seller

what is sales coaching

Sales can be a tough business, especially if you’re not well acquainted with the practice. Often, entrepreneurs begin a business with a good idea, only to find they don’t know how to sell that idea to someone else. Given the fact that most businesses close rather than become successful, there is little margin for error. Hiring a sales coach can be a valuable tool that will provide a solid return on investment, instilling practices that will benefit you for years to come.

What Is a Sales Coach?

A sales coach is just what it sounds like: someone you hire to help you learn strategies to improve your company’s sales and gain new customers (all while retaining the customers you already have). If you don’t have a sales manager or your sales manager is too overloaded to take your new sales reps under their wing, you might want to hire a coach.

If you have your own sales department, you might be surprised to learn that 3 out of 4 salespeople aren’t effective at their jobs. The main reason is because they’ve received no formal education or training about how to sell.

sales coaching NJProfessional sales coaching differs from sales training. While training occurs in a classroom setting with a group of reps, coaching involves an individualized, one-on-one relationship. Sales training happens over a matter of weeks; sales coaching takes place over months.

Here’s an example: a sales training seminar might guide reps through a sales call or encourage workers to follow a script. What happens when a call goes off script? Your sales rep will be in a lurch.

A coach, on the other hand, may help reps prepare for calls by role-playing and anticipating the different turns a call might take. A sales coach also has the time to review the call with the rep and discuss strengths and weak spots. This individualized attention will make anyone more savvy with their sales, whether it’s members of a department or a solopreneur.

Choosing a Sales Coach

It’s important to remember that there are several different coaching styles. You should choose someone who aligns with your personal and business philosophies and goals. If your personalities don’t mesh in your initial meeting, you might not get as much out of your experience.

In short, sales coaching can take your business to the next level. If you want to improve your bottom line, garner more business, and make your sales team more effective employees, consider hiring a sales coach.

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4 Ways to Fix Your Next Communication Breakdown

communication breakdowns

Have you ever been the victim of a communication breakdown? There’s nothing more frustrating than failing to complete a task on time or to the best of your ability because of a miscommunication between a coworker, client, or boss. Fortunately, there are things you can do to improve communication and customer satisfaction. Try one of these strategies to avoid communication breakdown:

Be Upfront About Expectations and Goals

Workplace communication becomes a lot easier when you’re all coming from the same place. Don’t kick off a brainstorming session or meeting by assuming everyone knows their roles, goals, and other action items. This leads to missed deadlines, unclear objectives, and confusion about roles.

Start every meeting with a review of your action items and when to expect deadlines and other assignments. Once assigning who is responsible for what, send a follow-up email or call to confirm.

Avoid Over-Communication

avoid communication breakdownsAt the same time, be wary about communicating too much with your employees and teammates. If you’re sending someone 20 emails a day, they’re more likely to tune you out. Communication breakdowns can result from the best intentions. Instead of haranguing your workmates virtually, consider following this golden rule: a dozen exchanges an hour between all team members can maximize productivity – any more will actually detract from your efforts.

Communicate Wisely

At the same time, not all communication is created equally. According to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune, email can be an ineffective way to complete work tasks. If you want to know how to avoid a communication breakdown, consider this tried-and-true method: a good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation. According to a recent study, over 35% of a team’s performance is attributable to their face-to-face exchanges.

However, this doesn’t mean that you need to call a board meeting every day. Simple, informal exchanges like coffee breaks can be just as effectual. If you’re spread out over multiple companies, consider adding video collaboration to your routine.

Leverage Collaborative Technology

Finally, technology makes it easy for us to collaborate effectively. Consider using Slack for quick team exchanges and Trello to keep track of items on your to-do list. With a little prioritization and organizing, you and your team can eliminate communication breakdowns and complete your tasks on time and to the best of your ability. Apply one of these tips to your next project and see your productivity skyrocket. A job well done is worth celebrating!

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The Value and Benefits of a Mastermind Group

Mastermind groups have improved the way people do business for centuries. They enable individuals with lofty goals to take real, actionable steps toward achieving them. Brainstorming with like-minded people in a group setting is beneficial for all involved. There’s a reason mastermind groups are still alive and well today – they actually work. The list of potential benefits one can get from a mastermind group is virtually endless.

Here’s an idea of some of the takeaways of these meetings of the minds:

Accountability for Your Actions

It’s well known that many entrepreneurs are procrastinators. Part of the problem is that solopreneurs do not have anyone to hold them accountable for their acts or failures to act. In a mastermind group, you have dozens of people holding you to your promises.

In each meeting you’ll state a goal you plan to accomplish before the next meeting. At the next meeting, you’ll reveal to the group your progress in achieving that goal. This structure encourages accountability and action toward what you set out to do.

Tools You Need to Succeed

At each meeting, you’ll encounter new tools, processes, and ideas that could drive your success. You’ll hear many people discuss their situations, battles, and accomplishments, and take away things that are important for your own business. Plus, you might say something that fuels someone else’s victory – you never know who your story will benefit at a meeting. If you’re looking for something to make the difference between success and failure, it might be waiting for you in a mastermind group.

Collaboration with Other Masterminds

“Two heads are better than one” is certainly true in business. A group of masterminds will constantly come up with fresh ideas, inspirations, and innovations. There will never be a time when dozens of brilliant thinkers all run out of things to say at the same time. It isn’t possible. Members will bounce ideas off one another, glean new insights, and discover solutions to problems they may never have thought through on their own.

Fuel for Future Success

Joining a group like The Mastermind for Masterminds can revolutionize the way you do business. These meetings don’t just offer solutions to immediate problems – they give you kindling for your next hundred problems. Mastermind groups lend you a brand new way to analyze situations and build the foundation for long-term business success. They are invaluable to the modern businessperson, offering a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and tools for success. Join today and unlock your future.

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August Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution: THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS.


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process.

You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on Tuesday, August 8th and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 8th, 8:30-11:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932 | (973) 301-8233
COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be