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How to Lead Through and Beyond the Current Crisis

leadership coaching

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many businesses in precarious positions. Long-term business closures have left many small businesses and larger companies alike teetering on the edge of a thin rail. Some will be able to pull through and make ends meet until things get back to normal and profits are more robust, but others will lose everything they have worked to build. The key to pulling through involves knowing the difference between leadership and management.

A recent article by Jon Michail states:

When times are good, a captain can rest back and let their first officer cruise their vessel over tranquil water. But when a storm approaches, a captain must take the helm by the hand and steer their ship toward clearer skies.

In this scenario, the captain is the leader, and the first officer is the manager. Although the manager is adept at handling the routine operating tasks, a true leader must be prepared to handle tough situations that involve creative, critical thinking and adaptability.

How Do Managers Become Leaders?

Although many people are born with leadership qualities, experience richens the experience and imparts the knowledge and wisdom that are necessary to navigate stormy seas. When you are learning to lead through tough times, five behaviors are considered critical.

  1. Stay on the front lines. A true leader doesn’t cower in a secluded office and attempt to run the show from afar. Leaders are in the trenches at every level of operations and provide explicit instruction and transparency regarding their actions in dire situations.
  2. Place team members’ concerns above their own. To truly gain success under challenging situations, leaders must not act to achieve recognition for themselves but have the success of each member of the company as a priority.
  3. Complete transparency. The leader should always communicate information effectively and with confidence while being able to admit to unknown variables.
  4. Adaptability. One of the biggest jobs of a leader is being able to prioritize tasks, while continually re-evaluating the situation and re-prioritizing, as necessary. Adaptability is a trait that all strong leaders have shared throughout history.
  5. Have a forward-thinking vision. Leaders know that situations are apt to switch tracks on a dime, and they must be able to focus on the task at hand while remaining ready to change course and refocus as changes and other opportunities arise. They must be able to inspire hope, while moving forward with clear explanations of the reality of the circumstances.

When you are leading your company through this worldwide crisis, it is crucial to adhere to these principles, while learning from more experienced leaders around you. Statistics show that there will be billions of dollars in revenue in the economy moving forward and the potential to get millions of unemployed workers back to work. Like most companies, you are likely facing nearly insurmountable struggles related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, by doubling down on strong leadership, your operation could weather this storm and come out stronger in the end.

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Strategies to Improve Your Leadership Skills

Leadership requires a delicate balance of strategy and skill to create an environment that inspires productivity. Not every leader approaches a problem in the same way, but plenty of effective strategies exist to help you get the most out of your employees. Here are a few ways to expand your leadership skills this year.

Understand Your Leadership Style

In 1939, Kurt Lewin and a group of researchers defined three main styles of leadership. They found many differences among the types and one, in particular, produces the best response from team members. The three styles are:

  • Authoritarian (Autocrat)
  • Participative (Democratic)
  • Delegative (Laissez-Faire)

Authoritarian leaders provide direct instruction about objectives and how to accomplish them. Authoritarian leaders use a simple command and control model with little or no input from other group members. It works best in situations where there is little time for creativity, but can seem bossy and demanding.

Participative leaders are typically the most effective. They offer guidance for group members but also seek input and ideas from others. While a project may take longer with a participative leader, each group member feels like an important part of the process and has more meaningful contributions to the results.

Delegative leaders offer very little guidance. They usually sit back and hope that someone else will take the lead. Their groups are the least productive, and members make demands from each other that result in arguments. They are unable to help with cooperation or to help the project progress.

Understanding where you fall within these three leadership styles is the key to advancing your strategy. You will be able to determine what is helping your style and what is hindering your progress. Once you know, you can develop the skills you need to make you a more effective leader.

Discover Employee Strengths

Each person on your team has a particular strength, and it is your job as the leader to discover and encourage these strengths. When each member of the team uses their strength, it can make your company stronger and more efficient. Design your goals with these strengths in mind so that everyone has a piece of the solution. Taking the time to discover and encourage these strengths shows your employees you care about them and believe they are a valuable asset to the team.

Be Passionate and Positive About the Work

Passion and positivity are contagious. When group members see your enthusiasm to start a new project, they will follow suit. Encourage the same passion and positivity in others, giving deserved praise and being genuinely thankful for contributions from the group. The positive attitude will spread, making your group work more efficiently.

Be an Effective Listener and Communicator

An important part of being a leader is listening and communicating with team members. The only way to ensure you are getting the most out of your employees is through listening to their feedback and ideas. When you can take these ideas and communicate them effectively to the rest of the team, you can foster teamwork and keep everyone working together. Non-verbal communication is also an important skill. Watch for queues and clues from your team to make everything run smoothly.

Don’t limit yourself to one leadership style, especially if one doesn’t feel natural to you; a mixture of styles usually brings the best results. Once you have identified the style that seems most intuitive to you, start including elements from other styles into your strategy, strengthening your team and your production.

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5 Ways to Build a Better Team

team building

You’ve probably experienced it – the sinking feeling when your supervisor places you on a team to work on a special project. Instead of celebrating the fact that you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with others, you bemoan the fear that you’ll end up doing all the work. How do we go from dreading team projects to actually making them a powerful resource for our businesses? Five basic characteristics need to be present for this to happen.

1. Establish a Clear Purpose

If team members don’t understand the purpose of the team, how are they going to work effectively? Without a clear definition of what goals the team should accomplish, it will flounder and not produce the results you want. Breaking the overall purpose down into measurable goals helps the members see a path to success.

2. Commitment Needed Too

Beyond purpose, commitment is equally valuable. Once members understand the vision of the project clearly, are they still willing to work toward it? In your effort to establish greater commitment, try telling them how accomplishing this purpose will benefit not just the company, but them as well.

3. Delegate Responsibility

Members need to be an active part in achieving goals in order to feel valued on the team. Delegating tasks is a practical way of creating this value factor. When members know they have authority to make decisions in their given area of expertise, they receive a sense of belonging from the team. This belonging is invaluable, because it creates trust between the team leader and the members.

4. Foster Diversity

If your team consists of members who all fit into the same mold of life, chances are you’re not going to have many innovative ideas at work to achieve your goals. Diversity brings different viewpoints to the team and is invaluable when brainstorming or problem solving. What’s the point of having a team if all of its members think alike? The unique contributions of each member should merit a place on the team.

Diversity does bring opposing opinions, but by creating a framework for sharing feedback, these differing thoughts become positive means of growth for the individual and the overall purpose of the team.

5. Prioritize Friendships

Friendship is going to be the glue that holds your team together through all of the stressful moments. Prioritizing work relationships is vital and allowing those relationships to exist outside of work will solidify a team. Try talking about each member’s weekend, or what each person likes to do outside of work. These relationships will be your saving grace during stressful times because members will pull together as friends, not just as coworkers.

We often take for granted that we know how to function well as a team. Most of us have been involved in teamwork since elementary school. The problem is that most people aren’t aware that different factors actually do influence the efficacy of a team. Whether you’re a team leader, a member of a current team, or you are establishing one, put these four principles into practice and watch your team grow and succeed.

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6 Traits You Need to Be a Great Leader

leadership coach

Strong leadership can make or break your team or organization. Great leaders model the characteristics necessary for success. They motivate others to reach their highest potential and help individuals become part of a team. Many leaders are adequate, but the ones who are truly great share some of the same characteristics.


Leaders can’t expect their team to show inner drive and motivation if they don’t possess it themselves. They continually push themselves to go beyond expectations, not because they must, but because they are passionate about what they do. They seem to have an extra dose of energy that gets them out of bed every morning and helps them embrace each new challenge with enthusiasm. They don’t see problems as someone else’s job to solve, but as their chance to make a difference.

Contagious Optimism

Effective leaders expect a positive outcome, and their optimism spreads. When budgets are reduced, the flu drastically reduces available personnel, and deadlines keep changing, they don’t panic. They remain sure that with a consistent effort they will reach their goal, and their emotional stability helps those around them feel less stress and frustration. They always have a solution or something inspiring to say. They motivate by encouragement, not criticism.


Leaders who are truly great get to know the people who work alongside and under them. They know what’s going on in their lives and care about their concerns, even when they aren’t related to work. They show a high level of emotional intelligence, recognizing both how their emotions impact staff and how to manage the feelings of others.

When there’s conflict, leaders have insight into the factors that motivate it and connect with those involved to help them find solutions. They demonstrate loyalty, showing constant support to the people who work with them.


Great leaders take responsibility when tasks need to be accomplished and share credit where it is due. They keep track of timelines, checking on employees to make sure everyone completes their part of the job. They remind staff of company policies and re-train on procedures as necessary. Instead of blaming others when things go wrong, they find the reason for the problem and work with their team to solve it.

Innovative Thinking

what makes a great leaderThe best leaders are extremely organized, but their thinking is flexible. They know the rules, regulations, and potential resources, and they are always working scenarios in their heads. They work a possible solution until they understand it from every angle, then they can clearly communicate it to their team.

Because they see the bigger picture, they can outline the end goal and the strategies that will help reach it. When problems arise, their flexible thinking allows them to quickly adjust and come up with an alternative course.


Strong leaders can act decisively because of their self-confidence. While they are generally well-liked and respected by those around them, they don’t need the approval of others. They are continually learning, so their knowledge base gets ever wider. Their confidence allows them to make unpopular decisions, ask difficult questions, and try solutions where others might balk.

Leaders infect others with their passion, enthusiasm, and positivity. They implement processes and build relationships that help everyone who knows them meet personal and professional goals.

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Handling Your Midlife Career Change

career coaching

It’s common for mid-life professionals to crave a change. Maybe you feel you’ve been stuck in a rut for the past few years or maybe your company does not have any more room for advancement. No matter your reasoning, a mid-life career change is a cause for introspection and careful consideration. Here’s how to approach the decision:

What Do You Want to Do Next?

When making a career change, there are a few different paths you can take:

  • A new job in the same field. If your beef is with your job and not the industry, consider sidestepping into a new career. A new set of coworkers or a new boss may be all you need for job satisfaction.
  • A new career in a different field. If there are certain skill sets that transfer fields, you might want to consider a different industry. This might be the right choice if your industry is becoming obsolete or you simply want a new twist on your old job.
  • A one-eighty. Sometimes, you feel like you need a complete change. Many mid-career professionals want to reinvent their work life completely. This is difficult but achievable.

Get Advice from a Career Coach

midlife career changeIf you’re not sure where to begin, consider asking for advice. A career coach can provide valuable introspection and help you make proper decisions regarding your career change. Remember, change is always scary, even when it’s a welcome change. When undergoing a career transition, a career coach can help you maintain a positive mindset, rather than dwelling on the potential downsides of the change.

By keeping the focus on the positives that lie ahead, you can make a smoother transition to your new career. Career coaching can help you maintain your focus while guiding you through the important decisions that lie ahead.

Consider Taking It Up A Notch

If you’re feeling stagnant in your current position, perhaps it’s time for a leadership role. Leadership coaching can help you develop your natural leader’s talent and groom you for a new role in management or even entrepreneurship. With the right help, any career change is possible. A leadership role can prove valuable to mid-level professionals who want to remain in their company or industry but feel they’ve become stuck on the corporate ladder.

Making a successful career transition requires preparation, introspection, and the right attitude. By applying these tips, you can make a smooth transition into a rewarding new career.

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What to Expect from a Mastermind Group

Attending a mastermind group is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. The atmosphere is buzzing with intellectual minds thinking, brainstorming, and supporting one another. If you talk to someone who has been to a mastermind group, he or she will tell you it’s an experience that will change the way you do business. You’ll gain access to incredible resources, networking opportunities, and a team that understands your objectives and wants you to succeed.

When you walk through the doors at The Mastermind for Masterminds, here’s what to expect:

A Friendly, Welcoming Community

All members of the group share the same goal – to improve their businesses. Whether you want new perspectives on a business venture you’re considering or advice from successful entrepreneurs about how to take the first step, you’ll find it at a mastermind meeting. You will meet people with similar goals, those who have been in your shoes, and those eager to impart wisdom that could take your professional life to the next level. Group members are endlessly supportive, and welcome newcomers with open arms.

An All-Inclusive Group Discussion

The beginning of the mastermind group meeting will involve personal introductions, and statements from each member of the group regarding what steps they took to achieve goals expressed at the end of the last meeting. You’ll hear success stories, as well as setbacks other professionals have experienced. Remember – hits and misses are all part of the process. Everyone will get a chance to speak at The Mastermind for Masterminds!

A Focus on Someone in the “Hot Seat”

Most meetings will feature at least one person in the “hot seat.” This person will have the opportunity to dig deeper into the details of his or her challenges, and ask for advice or feedback from the group. At every meeting, someone new will sit in the hot seat. This gives everyone the chance to ask for personalized help for a specific problem.

Those who are not in the hot seat will benefit from listening to the discussion and chiming in.

New Goals Formed for the Next Meeting

The meeting will conclude with group members discussing their next goals, and what they hope to accomplish before the next meeting. Members will then have the opportunity to speak to others, exchange contact information, and make plans to attend the next meet up. The Mastermind of Masterminds is an excellent place for both mastermind group newcomers and veterans. It is a celebration of the mind, and an event you won’t want to miss. Sign up today and join something incredible!

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August Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution: THE MASTERMIND FOR MASTERMINDS.


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process.

You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on Tuesday, August 8th and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

WHEN: Tuesday, August 8th, 8:30-11:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932 | (973) 301-8233
COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

June Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution:


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. In The Mastermind for Masterminds you will help others succeed and achieve your own goals in the process. You will leave with important takeaways, such as ideas for the future and solutions to problems you’ve been stuck on. There is no limit to the things you might learn during your time in our Mastermind Group. Join us on June 21st and broaden your professional horizons.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Wednesday, June 21st, 8:30-11:30 a.m.

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Breakfast


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be


May Edition of The Mastermind for Masterminds


Now is the Time to Elevate Your Passion for Life and Work to Overcome the Fears that are Holding You Back!

♦ Do You Feel Stuck and Need Inspiration for Your Career or Business?
♦ Are You In Search of a Strong Peer Network of Trusted Colleagues?
♦ Do You Want to Increase Your Confidence and Boost Your Positivity?

If you answered YES, then we have the perfect solution:


The Mastermind for Masterminds is a private meeting among dedicated business professionals looking to exchange honest feedback, help refine new ideas and concepts, and share insights and potential leads. We’re not creating just another business network, we’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success.

Event Details:

park avenue clubWHEN: Wednesday, May 17th, 1:00pm-4:00pm

WHERE: The Park Avenue Club, 184 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

COST: $197.00 p/person; includes Lunch


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Choose Your Ticket

Why Should You Attend?

  • You want to tap into the experience and skills of others!
  • You are “stuck” and need a new perspective which can come from brainstorming with the group!
  • You need to increase confidence in your decisions!
  • You need to validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals!
  • You need or want to find an instant and valuable support network!
  • You want to find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position you find yourself in!
  • You need to find new ways to jump-start your business!
  • You want to boost to your everyday positive mental attitude!

Who Should Attend?

  • Realtors
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Small business owners
  • Consultants
  • Fund Raisers
  • YOU
  • And anyone responsible for driving their business!

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT will you take away from The Mastermind for Masterminds?

  • NEW CONNECTIONS with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • LASTING RELATIONSHIPS with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • NEW IDEAS for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be

Join Us Today!

Utilizing the Mastermind Principles for Personal and Professional Success: Part 2

Part 1 of our Utilizing the Mastermind Principles Blog Post helped you identify your DEFINITE PURPOSE. Now it’s time to take action in the direction of that desire and purpose. Not sure what action you should take? Napoleon Hill had the perfect solution, The Mastermind Group, which he defined in Think & Grow Rich as “a friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.”

Hill acknowledged that any successful action plan will require certain specialized knowledge that we may not possess within ourselves. No one person is going to be an expert or authority on all aspects of business. But, that doesn’t mean that this specialized knowledge cannot be acquired. Hill envisioned the Mastermind Group to be the well from which that specialized knowledge could be drawn. Each member of the Mastermind Group would leverage their experience and education and that of the group to elevate all of their respective positions and achieve greater success.

Hill pointed to the example of the great industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, in support of the Mastermind Group. “Andrew Carnegie stated that he, personally, knew nothing about the technical end of the steel business; moreover, he did not particularly care to know anything about it. The specialized knowledge which he required for the manufacture and marketing of steel, he found available through the individual units of his Master Mind Group.”

5 Benefits You Can Gain from a Master Mind Group?

1 – Tap into the experience and skills of others! You don’t have to be an expert in all areas of business. The Mastermind group provides access to the specialized knowledge of the other members of the group including marketing, administration, networking, etc. A Mastermind Group is the perfect place to find new ways to jump-start your business.

2- Get “unstuck” and gain a new perspective! Often other people can see within us that which we cannot see within ourselves. Certain choices and options may be obvious to the group, but escape you in the present moment. Brainstorming within the group can provide fresh perspectives and options that you would not have otherwise considered.

3- Increase confidence in your decisions! No one has to be their own support network. The Mastermind Group is a safe and supportive environment for vetting your most crucial decisions. The members can become an instant and invaluable support network!

4- Validate that you are taking the right actions to achieve your goals! You can leverage the combined knowledge and experience of the Mastermind Group to validate your current or future actions or to tweak them for greater success.

5 – Find a sense of shared endeavor with others in the same position! Chances are that you are not alone in the struggles and challenges you are facing right now. Sometimes knowing you’re not the only one can make all the difference. And there is no better way to boost your passion and desires than by sharing them and feeding off the passions of others as well. Mastermind Group members tend to energize both themselves and the group as a whole by sharing those passions.

Utilizing the principles taught in Hill’s Think & Grow Rich, the Ascher Group has created a new series called The Mastermind for Masterminds. As Hill envisioned, this is not just another business network or networking event. We’re building a community of professionals dedicated to helping one another overcome obstacles and achieve greater success. Our Mastermind for Masterminds includes 12 monthly meetings; quarterly 30 minute private coaching sessions with Ascher Group president, Susan Ascher; and a quarterly gift of at least one bestseller to help you grow you and your business.

The Mastermind for Masterminds Was Specifically Designed to Provide Members With:

  • New connections with a supportive team of Mastermind partners
  • Relationships with like-minded professionals who want to MEET or EXCEED their goals
  • New ideas for REAL CHANGE to get you where you need to be
  • Elevating your passion for life and work to overcome the fears that are holding you back